
All about the news of WWE

vendredi 31 janvier 2014

Special | Learn the causes of the star shine Roman Raines recent period

Earned the young star and member of the team shield Roman Raines tribute and praise everyone , whether from the administration or from the stars behind the scenes , and that the evolution of the form and brilliance that has become clear in the current period , especially after breaking the record recorded in the name Red Monster Kane in the number of exclusions Penzal battle royal .

Prompting some media to search and investigate the information about what happened and why it sparkle sudden star in the recent period , has been shown as reported in special reports that the reason for this strong performance lies in the advice and guidance meted Raines from his team mates stars Seth Rollins and the hero of the current U.S. Dean Ambrose .

They are not new , rather than in terms of expertise Balhlebatt , not only that, but it contributed to the humility to receive tips and show full readiness to receive more than reflects his immense respect for the two stars .

The reports also confirmed that the reason for the hype that accompanied his brilliance is that during the training department at the Federation of FCW developmental talent for WWE 's NXT and then display the talents of the star does not appear that level and did not draw attention to something unusual .

This is expected in the coming period that the star has a strong push to jump by Star Summit secession from the Union first team shield , made ​​his way individually .

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